Historic Green Village Anna Maria Island

Vacationing on Anna Maria is always full of fun and family, but why not a little history too? Here on the island the Historic Green Village (HGV) is a fun place to explore while giving back to nature.

Add some history to your vacation with the Historic Green Village Anna Maria Island!

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The Historic Green Village is on Pine Avenue in Anna Maria City

The HGV is one in only 100 places worldwide to reach platinum LEED and have a net zero campus. This means that the area is using as little energy as possible by maximizing Florida’s natural resources.

The HGV has houses over 100 years old that have had many important people stay in them including the Rosedale Cottage, Thelma by the Sea, the Sears Cottage, and the Pilsbury Home.

The founders of HGV Mike and Lizzie Thrasher discovered Anna Maria island when they were on vacation in 2005. They had traveled from Britain and instantly fell in love with the island. This soon led them to selling their successful baby food company in their hometown and use the money to create their own real estate business on the island.

The first renovation was Beach Bums, an island store that rents bikes, kayaks, and other equipment. After helping the store become eco-friendly, the Thrashers turned the business over to two local women.

The Thrashers have continued developing a more environmentally friendly place in hopes of keeping the island as beautiful as when they first saw it. Today the HGV has an art gallery, jewelry and gift shop, village bakery and an outfitters where outdoor equipment is sold.

Historic Green Village Anna Maria Island